Monday, July 27, 2009

In which I spend a little while reveling in the Potterverse

I would like to begin by saying this: I want a t-shirt that says "I'm what Willis was talkin' 'bout".

Meanwhile...I'm cooking a casserole. It's been in the oven for about 1.5 hours, and I'm STARVING, although possibly also curious to see whether it'll work. It has meat and mushrooms and carrot and onion and parsley and thyme. Lots of thyme. I may have gotten carried away.

I saw the latest Harry Potter movie the other day (for those keeping score, The Half-Blood Prince), and I am smitten, as I always seem to be by this series. I love it. O, how I love it. Almost for its own sake, and it seems to have been made just for me! Meeee! Anyway, As a result I've dived (diven?) back into the books, and spent much of today pleasurably ensconced in the Potterverse. It's the vividness of the world that I love. A perfectly wonderful excuse to abandon reality in favour of something a little more magical.


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