Sunday, September 9, 2007

Contemplating the loss of time and space

Good heavens.

When did the weekend get so short? Once upon a time it felt like a whole two days, but now it seems to go so quickly from waking up, doing the shopping, and various bouts of exercise. Then poof! It's time for Sunday dinner. I suspect the exercise is all to blame. I never used to do so much, but then of course the downside of that was that I could barely climb a hill without feeling as though I was about to die.

So deep in thought as I was, and determined as I was to finish the enormous jigsaw puzzle that I started (oh, the rollercoaster of excitement that is my life), none of this was any match for my little dog, who crept up and put his paws on my leg, silently asking for a walk. How do you say no?

Apparently you don't. It's not a bad walk, actually, but whenever we run into other dogs, that's when my sweet little puppy starts to think he's a big tough alsation (great dane, german shepherd, gigantic robo-dog, etc.), and any and all intruders in his territory (ie - everywhere) must be stopped! Rather embarassing. Especially when the opponent actually is a big tough alsation, who nevertheless behaves himself, and only looks slightly bemused that this little bundle of fur is making so much commotion.

Reading list is still as was. Almost finished Chronicle.

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