So, owing to the fact that I couldn’t get to sleep, I decided to wait up to see the Oscar nominations live. The fact that I have yet to finish my series on the “best films of the noughties” (seriously, whose idea was it to choose 50? Whose?) will not be deterring me from this year’s Omails (or Oblogs, I suppose), and as I wait rather impatiently and (let’s be honest) droopy eyed for the clock to tick over to 00:30, I realise there are many, many films that I have yet to see. Possibly all of them. What can I say, money has been tight (00:29) this year and I have not yet become a professional (i.e. paid) movie critic. BUT the Oblogs are beginning (00:32…hey, geniuses! Where the heck are the updates, man? Oh, HILARIOUS. The black screen with the rolling newsbar tells me they don’t start until 00:38), and this year I’ve decided on a new theme: the Fantasy Oscars. Ooooooh.
But you’ll have to wait to hear about that later, because, at a lazy 0039 it’s Anne Hathaway and Some Guy. Here are my reactions (you will notice that a lot of these just include a name. that’s because it’s after midnight and my typing skills just don’t care that much):
But you’ll have to wait to hear about that later, because, at a lazy 0039 it’s Anne Hathaway and Some Guy. Here are my reactions (you will notice that a lot of these just include a name. that’s because it’s after midnight and my typing skills just don’t care that much):
Supporting Actress: Seen none of them in action, but I’m sort of glad that Maggie Gyllenhaal is up there.
Supporting Actor: HURRAH! Christoph Waltz!
Actress: Hee. Go Meryl, I say.
Actor: Aw, Colin Firth. Also Morgan Freeman. And, if truth be told, George Clooney
Director: The usual suspects, including Tarantino, of which I am quite glad.
Original Screenplay: Tarantino again (good one) and hurrah, Pixar!
Adapted Screenplay: Nick Hornby! I’ve heard of him! Go you lovely man! Needless to say, haven’t seen any of these.
Foreign Language: I’m enjoying the fact that Anne Hathaway is giving the foreign pronounciation a go. I really like the sound of the White Ribbon…
Animated feature: Oh please, it’s going to be Up, isn’t it?
Best Picture (here come the ten):
The Blind Side (big cheer)
District 9
Inglourious Basterds
An Education
The Hurt Locker
A Serious Man
Up in the Air
Here’s how many of those I have yet to see: 9. That’s it, we’re starting out on a 1/10 success rate this year. Sheesh.
A quick glance at the rest of the noms (which can be found on imdb.com)…HARRY POTTER! HUZZAH!!!!! (for best cinematography, if you’re wondering)…er, Star Trek is nominated for makeup, which I suppose makes sense…although I guess Avatar will be walking away with Visual Effects (sorry, District 9 and Star Trek, show’s over there)…Wallace and Gromit will be kicking ass in the Animated Short Film category, and…
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I’m warning you now, I’ll be mentioning this in pretty much every OBlog from here on in. A girl has to take her victories…)
Well, as I plotz around the living room a bit before making my sleepy but excited way to bed, I bid you all a Merry Oscars.
Let’s get started…
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