Friday, December 4, 2009

In which I am back after a long absence

It's been quite a hiatus. In between this post and the last, I have been knuckling down to participate in NaNoWriMo, and in the end reached exactly 50,000 words. Hurrah! Merry Nano to me!

I was quite proud, actually. I'd begun without much of a premise and with less conviction that I would be able to finish, but somewhere around the middle I really began to get into it, and had the pleasant experience of being completely surprised by my characters and their actions. Sure, I had to play with reality a little (it turns out legs from which feet have been amputated take AGES to get to the point where they can be used again), but I like where it ended up.

Today I read the delightful news that Leonardo DiCaprio is going to be giving his voice to an animated film - hurrah! I don't know too much about it yet, but it's going to be called The Guardians and he's playing Jack Frost. Oh HELL yes.

As you may have figured out, I'm filling up with the Christmas Spirit (sounds vaguely dirty, but we'll ignore that, shall we?) and all the childlike enthusiasm that comes with it. Sparkly things are like catnip right now, and I find myself richocheting from glittery object to glittery object like a ping pong ball. I'm about halfway through my shopping, and surprisingly optimistic about getting it all done in time!

What else...?

Oh yes, I've been coming across a lot of blogs lately summing up the "noughties" with regard to film. So instead of rolling my eyes at the inclusion of yet ANOTHER Pedro Amaldovar movie, I thought I'd give it a go...of course I'm going to have to actually come up with something...fifty? Have I seen that many movies this decade? Probably.

At any rate - coming soon!

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