On Saturday, as previously stated, I watched All About Eve, starring Bette Davis and her infamous eyes. This is the story of a great but aging stage actress who meets "her biggest fan", Eve, a meek, sweet-looking girl from Wisconsin (the cheese state) who has seen every performance she's ever done and can you see where this is going? Oh yes, it's the old young-meek-fan-turns-psycho story. Quite chilling, although not as much as it could have been with a different soundtrack. This is where John Williams kicked ass - the music. Ms Davis was quite wonderful in what would become her defining role, really, and I sincerely despised Eve, so I suppose well done to her as well. It's funny, this period in time was one with a lot less in the way of rights for women than now, but I find a lot more to admire in a woman who doesn't need to put a man down in order to stand equally with him. I'm not sure exactly what my point is here, I'm just more impressed with Bette Davis than I am with the cast of Sex and the City.
Incidentally, the number of Oscar Best Picture winners I've seen has reached 46. 34 to go!
Today I saw Inherit the Wind starring Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, a
nd that guy who played Col. Potter in M*A*S*H. The fictionalised (which it turns out means something like "same story, different names") story of the Scopes "Monkey" Trial, where a teacher was arrested for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution, or, more specifically, for teaching a science that contradicted the idea of divine creation. The film itself was quite intriguing, and a heck of a decent performance from Mr Tracy, and a fine performance from Mr Kelly (excuse me while I amuse myself with the fact that these two people have feminine last-names). Also, apparently, the play on which this film was based was written as a way of criticising the witch-hunts during the McCarthy era, but without being - y'know - arrested for criticising said witch-hunts. Good lord.

Hollywood is weird.
And while we're on the subject, it turns out that the excellent British film Death At A Funeral, released in 2007, is already being REMADE in America, with American actors and an American script. I find it difficult to express how stupid I find this.
Hollywood is also stupid.
But not always (see previous films). And when I return to the "classics" section of the video store, I'm diving back into the Awesomeness of Old Hollywood.
The funny thing about Bette Davis for me: her lips did it for me. Her eyes are magnificent, but I've seen others like them. But those lips. That cynical twist to the upper lip, it makes me want to challenge her, debate her, flatter her and shake her by the shoulders.
Okay, so Old Hollywood (OH) wins over New Hollywood (NH): but what film from NH comes close?
You know something, I AGREE about the lips - I was just thinking that, looking at the poster. She's smiling, frowning and smirking all at once, and it's her eyes that cement an emotion. Fantastic.
As for the other - sounds like a challenge for the next blog!
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