Last movie watched: P.S. I Love You
Song currently stuck in head: Galway Girl, from the above.

Ever had one of those evenings when you feel like the opening credits of Bridget Jones' Diary? You know, the mental equivalent of listening to sad pop music and rocking back and forth in your pajamas while quaffing (hi bethini!) glass after glass of wine? No? Me neither. But that's why you shouldn't send job applications off without proofreading and then watch P.S. I Love You. Live and learn.

We're going to take a break at this point to talk about the awards given to Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. I know I've said a couple of the other awards are my favourite categories, but I really mean it this time. I always think the supporting actor categories have more tension and possibility for upset in them. Little people can get through with these awards, and I kind of like that aspect. This year, of course, Heath Ledger is ALL BUT a lock to take out the Supp. Actor Oscar. I'm not saying he's a lock because there's ALWAYS the possibility that it'll go to someone else. I'll be discussing an example later on, but for now let's just look at Daniel Day Lewis, the year he (and his yellow trousers) were nominated for Gangs of New York. He won just about every award there was in the lead up, but come Oscar-time and BOOM! They put him in the wrong category and Adrien Brody swoops in and wins (justifiably) for The Pianist. So while I think it's likely Mr Ledger will win, I'm not betting the house on it.

Next! A movie that started off being everyone's favourite, and now is loudly criticised, it's 1997's Titanic. Just as big as Ben-Hur, it won 11 Academy Awards. And you know what? I loved it. Its script is admittedly one whose dialogue could have used some substantial work, and the song, which seems to garner the most hatred, had some shocking lyrics but was otherwise quite beautiful. And the rest? Very impressive. It's massive, and touching and downright heartbreaking towards the end. I defy anyone to say they didn't at least tear up. It's one of those movies I am happy to enjoy, without picking at its flaws. So ner. I maintain that anyone who can make a 3 hour film about the world's most famous ship sinking suspenseful is doing rather well.

"I know something of a woman in a man's profession. Yes by God I do know about that."
In addition to this, Ms Dench apparently had to wear such high heels (one supposes to keep the dress off the ground) that the director nicknamed her "Tudor Spice". Best. Nickname. Ever.
And as the last Best Picture Winner of the 20th century,

I'm out! Time for more sad music.
Brad: "Got a minute?"
Lester: "For you, Brad, I've got five!"
--- Barry Del Sherman, Kevin Spacey - American Beauty ---
1 comment:
Well, if it's quaffing you're after, I'm yer gal, Odyssey.
While I can't condone Titanic (although I admit it's largely on the basis of the awful, awful lyrics to Ms Dion's howls), I will say that you're the second awesome person this week to recommend Shakespeare in Love and so I will have to give it a go.
Peace out!
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