February 22: 3 Sleeps to go
Goodness me. It’s time to switch on some Oscar-nominated music and type! TYPE LIKE YOU’VE NEVER TYPED BEFORE!
The conversations I’ve come across about the original song nominations, three of which contain songs from Enchanted, all seem to go nuts for the song “Falling Slowly” from Once, so I’ve checked it out, and it’s lovely—mellow, sweet, at times aching—also it sounds like it’s being sung by Cat Stevens. This may make or break your interest in this song.
What else can I report on? I saw Eastern Promises this week, despite my lukewarm reaction to A History of Violence (same director), and it wasn’t half bad, actually. Quite involving. Benefits include the return of Armin Mueller-Stahl, who looks exactly like he did in The Power of One, and a lovely bit from Jerzy Skolimowski as Naomi Watt’s uncle. But anyone who’s seen this movie is going talk about one scene, and one scene only, with a faint air of reverence and eyes bugged in awe: “The Bath House Scene”. I’ll solve the mystery. It’s a fight. A pretty violent and well-choreographed one. In a bath house. Also Viggo’s in the nuddy the whole time.
Kind of an eye-opener.
ANYWAY. Let’s look at this film’s chances—only one nomination for:
Best Actor—Viggo Mortensen
It’s well-deserved, actually, and kind of a long time coming, ‘cause he’s awesome. This performance is (…pause as I search for a word that can’t be used as a double entendre…) both natural and tightly-wound. He does “eerily calm” really well, and the nuances in his facial expressions are fantastic. I don’t really think he’s got much of a chance of taking out Daniel Day-Lewis or Johnny Depp, but for now that’s ok, and I’m happy with him being “Oscar Nominee Viggo Mortensen” for the time being.
Heh. Which reminds me of a speech a couple of years ago…
“…It's the funny thing about winning an Academy Award, it will always be synonymous with your name from here on in. It will be ‘Oscar winner, George Clooney…Sexiest Man Alive, 1997…Batman…died today in a freak accident…’”
And with all this talk of Eastern Promises, today’s BEANIE is going to be a bit surprising, but the BEANIE for
Best Fight
goes to…
Simon-Pegg-and-Nick-Frost-firing-two-guns-while-jumping-in-the-air-and-going-‘arg’, from Hot Fuzz
Yeah, Viggo is nekkid, and yeah, Rocky’s a hundred and eleven, but it’s nothing compared to this. At various times during the film, Nick Frost, whose character has seen way too many cop films, asks Simon Pegg’s seasoned cop the following:
“Have you ever fired a gun whilst jumping through the air?”
“Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?”
“Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone ‘arg’?”
The answers are all “no”, but what follows is all of the above, and the most marvelous piece of filmmaking. EVER. It’s a damn good ride, culminating in a fight sequence between the above and the citizens of a tiny English town, for which you just know the writers were sitting around the table going “ok, ok—you know what else would be awesome?” Octogenarians and shot-guns, that’s the ticket.
This film is a parody of every cop movie ever made, and the inclusion of 007 Timothy Dalton, along with some of Britain’s most venerable actors, is a lovely touch. What makes it hysterical, apart from the fact that the script is BRILLIANT, is the absolute seriousness with which everyone plays it. There’s every British comic actor under the sun, and a cameo each by Peter Jackson and Cate Blanchett. Guns! Knives! Blood! A giant monkey! What more could you want?
If you haven’t seen this film, I’ll hunt you down and make you watch it. I’m talking clockwork orange here. Except not really, because I find that totally creepy. But as for Hot Fuzz, see it!
[about Point Break] “Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no holds barred, adrenaline fueled thrill ride. But, there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork.”
—Simon Pegg—Hot Fuzz—
February 18: 8 Sleeps to go
Picking up the pace, she says. Pfft. This is a poor showing, I can tell you. I blame work. So inconveniently placed, there in the middle of the day.
Anyway, NEWS! There will OFFICIALLY be an Oscar telecast—the writer’s strike has ended…I think…possibly. It’s kind of hard to get a straight answer out of Google, and who else am I supposed to ask? Ok, here we are—it seems they got some kind of pay rise and voted to end the strike…yay? Well, put it this way, Oscars are back. I’ll bet the costume designers are breathing collective sighs of relief. And isn’t part of the fun just critiquing everyone’s get-up on the red carpet? (Boys, I know, it’s not what you’re prepared to admit, but you’re thinking it.)
Some articles are lamenting the fact that the strike has prevented actors from engaging in the “wooing period” in which they go on every talk show under the sun in order to boost their chances. Heaven forbid the Academy ever base the awards on actual merit instead of who’s sent the best gift basket. “I LOVE beanie babies! But wait, this one has Belgian chocolate…what to do, what to do…who are we voting for? So you’re saying Clooney is the beanie baby?”
Anyway, I’ve decided to look out some ways to liven up Oscar night, and what better place to start than with a slurping game. Grab whatever substance you think it’d be fun to slurp (hey hey hey, put down that washing liquid!), and go for it whenever:
Red Carpet
· Someone says “it’s an honour just to be nominated”.
· Anyone says they’re wearing a designer (as in, “I’m wearing Armani”…seriously)
· Any celebrity looks appalled at what they were just asked by a journalist.
· Anyone trips (HEE)
· Jack Nicholson is wearing sunglasses indoors (only once, not every time he’s on screen, or you’ll be slurping all night)
· Anyone thanks God…as if the guy isn’t busy enough without having to turn around every five minutes and going “oh, yeah, no worries.”
· Whenever a winner goes the wrong way after his or her speech and needs to be ushered to the exit by some nuclear scientist in a skin-tight scrap of material posing as a dress.
· Whenever Jon Stewart makes fun of the Baldwins
· Whenever Jon Stewart is awesome
· Whenever anyone mentions the presidential race
· Whenever two presenters are forced to go through some demented “joke” before presenting their award.
· Whenever anyone bursts into song (two slurps if it isn’t a staged musical number)
· Anyone remarks on how cool Jack Nicholson is. Seriously, what are the Oscar producers going to do when he dies?
In turn, I shall be throwing things (food, socks, obscenities) at the TV whenever:
· Philip Seymour Hoffman is on screen. You don’t want to know what I’ll do if he wins.
· Anyone remarks on how heavy the Oscar statuette is. It’s heavy. We get it.
· They don’t play excerpts from the nominated scores. For heaven’s SAKE, you devoted something like an HOUR to Warren Beatty’s acceptance speech, you can spend five minutes on this.
Speaking of Warren Beatty, let’s take a few moments to feel thankful that he’s not accepting an honorary award this year, and see who is…
Some guy called David Grafton will be accepting the Gordon E Sawyer Award: Given to an individual in the motion picture industry whose technological contributions have brought credit to the industry.
…hmm. He’s been involved in two—count ‘em, TWO—films, one of which was optics in the Empire Strikes Back. HEE! Light Sabers! Well, if you’re going to make a couple of contributions to film, I suppose that’s a pretty big one to start with.
Moving on. Hey, we’ve got a BEANIE to give out! (Yay, meaningless awards!) Today’s is awarded to the:
Best Oh-God-Don’t-Go-Down-The-Stairs! Moment
And the BEANIE goes to…
No, Jake! No! (from Zodiac)
Oh god, what is wrong with you? You’re hunting a serial killer and a prime suspect has just invited you down to their basement?! RUN JAKE RUN!
It’s incredibly stressful, is what it is. Did anyone see Zodiac? It was awesome. Nominated for nothing, obviously, but it should have been. Why? Because I liked it, that’s why!
So here’s what we’ve got: a serial killer who sends in ciphers and codes to the newspapers in San Fransisco, seems to kill for the heck of it, and whom no one can catch. Not even with the best efforts of Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo AND Robert Downey Jr. But the film isn’t about who the killer is, not really. It’s about obsession, and the way it can eat away at people. Deep, yes?
There are a few scenes where quite a bit of violence is done—it is about a serial killer, after all—but the scenes in between are where I had the most fun. It’s the interplay between some great actors and some genuinely funny moments, a nice manipulation of the audience’s nervous systems…
So there’s another one. Phew! Not long now, folks.
“Jesus Harold Christ on rubber crutches Bobby! What are you doing? You're doing that thing again. That thing we discussed... starts with an L...”
“Oh, looming.”
---Robert Downey Jr, Jake Gyllenhaal—Zodiac---
February 11: 15 sleeps to go
Picking up the pace now, because I’ve been kind of remiss, but here’s some news: the BAFTAs were announced today. Here’s the link: http://imdb.com/features/rto/2008/baftas
Basically, Atonement won the Best Film award, but was out-paced by No Country for Old Men and La Mome in the all-round tally. Hmm. Not sure how much of a barometer they are this year, but in some cases they have more interesting nominees.
Meanwhile, talk is brewing of the writers’ strike reaching a resolution any day now. YAY! Oscars! If not, however, I have a plan. I say we grab some ordinary people and designate them celebrity identities for the night. “You sir, with the grey hair, you can be George Clooney. And you, lady with the red hoodie. You’re Ellen Page.” It’s brilliant, I say. Just think of what those speeches would be like...
Anyway. As we wonder whether or not there will be a red carpet upon which the actors and actresses can strut, waving from a safe distance at screaming fans, today’s BEANIE is for:
Best There-But-For-The-Grace-Of-God-Go-I Moment
...and it goes to...
I’ve always wanted to be a cowboy… (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford)
Jesus, if there was ever a case for a cautionary tale against fans (for those of you who learned nothing from Fatal Attraction), it’s here. Young Robert Ford (he’s a coward, didn’t you know?) is in awe of his idol, outlaw Jesse James, and creepily, he winds his way into the latter’s life. Then things get weird; it’s the pressure of outlawing, you know. First you’re riding around with a hanky over your face yelling “YEE HAW!” then there’s a price on your head and it’s just gotten high enough to interest people. The winters are cold and bleak, the paranoia stakes are high, and life on the lamb doesn’t seem as glamorous as it once did. Outlaws have feelings too! Just like celebrities!
Brad Pitt is pretty good at portraying Jesse’s spiral into mild insanity, and there’s not a moment that Casey Affleck spends on screen where he doesn’t make my skin crawl, but that’s actually a good thing. So if you’re dreaming of one day meeting and befriending Al Pacino, careful. You might end up shooting him, and then Nick Cave’ll be singing derogatory songs about you for the rest of your life.
I’m just saying.
But it is a good movie—slower paced than you might expect a western to be, but then it’s not really about the “western” aspects of Jesse James. The movie comes in where Jesse is already famous, and in a sense shows us the beginning of his end. We all know how it turns out, I suppose (apparently Brad Pitt got it in writing that the title of the film wouldn’t change), but there’s always more to it than that. None of this is as simple as the title suggests. Sam Rockwell is always a welcome oddity on screen, too.
So let’s look at this movie’s nominations:
Supporting Actor—Casey Affleck
The only one who might come within a hair’s breadth of taking this award from Javier Bardem, other than Hal Holbrook. But really, this award is Javier’s to lose. Pity, because as mentioned, Affleck is skin-crawlingly good.
Cinematography—Roger Deakins
If you haven’t heard of Roger Deakins, I don’t know what I’ve been doing wrong. Here’s his resume: The Shawshank Redemption, Fargo, Kundun, O Brother Where Art Thou?, The Man Who Wasn’t There, and No Country For Old Men. Oscar nominations all. He plays a lot with colour and texture in his lighting, and really seems to be trying for something special in each frame, which is more than can be said for some (Pride & Prejudice, I’m looking at you). But Jesse James is shot at points as though it’s through one of those old sepia cameras—it’s extraordinary. I’m pretty sure he’ll win this year, the biggest competition coming from The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, whose cinematography is really pivotal to the film, and possibly from Atonement, for no spectacularly good reason other than that huge one-shot I mentioned.
Ok, time to close, and leaving y’all with another quote from our BEANIE winner. This here’s what we call “clutching at straws”, or “who in their right mind would welcome this guy onto their gang?”
“Well, if you'll pardon my saying so, I guess it is interesting, the many ways you and I overlap and whatnot. You begin with our Daddies. Your daddy was a pastor of the New Hope Baptist Church; my daddy was a pastor of a church at Excelsior Springs. Um. You're the youngest of the three James boys; I'm the youngest of the five Ford boys. Between Charley and me, is another brother, Wilbur here, with six letters in his name; between Frank and you was a brother, Robert, also with six letters. Robert is my Christian name. You have blue eyes; I have blue eyes. You're five feet eight inches tall. I'm five feet eight inches tall. Oh me, I must've had a list as long as your nightshirt when I was twelve, but I've lost some curiosities over the years.”
-- Casey Affleck – The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
February 9, 2008
That’s what happens when I see a Johnny Depp film these days. This week I saw Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (or STTDBOFS), and now I never want to get my hair cut again. YIKES. Seriously, the barbers union is going to be suing Mssrs Burton and Depp for loss of profits.
Ok, here’s the story: former barber and erstwhile wrongfully accused convict Benjamin Barker returns from Australia (WOO! AUSTRALIA!) with a brand new ‘do and a heck of a vengeance. Turns out Alan Rickman had him arrested so that he could move in on Barker’s wife (must have seemed like the most logical plan at the time). Unfortunately for Mr Rickman (who has now adopted Barker’s child), it turns out that Barker (now named Sweeney Todd) is pretty much focused on killing him. Hijinks ensue. Did I mention this was a musical? Awesome.
Depp is very good, and at times terrifying (never knew anyone could make that hair do look so chilling), and hey, the guy can sing a tune or two. Helena Bonham Carter (aka, Mrs Burton (are they still married? Where’s Entertainment Tonight when I need them?)) is also fantastic, and Sacha Baron-Cohen makes a nice appearance in a spectacular pair of blue lycra tights.
Sound weird? It should do. It’s Tim Burton.
I should probably also say something about how violent this film is. I mean, really violent. Who would have thought there was that much blood in the human body?? Eeep. Depp has a wonderful time (you can tell) going jab jab jab with the razors…splat splat splat with the blood…but this little black duck was going “AAAH!” all the way through.
Tell you what, I’m dying for an Oscar telecast now, because I really want to see which clip they use for Johnny’s nomination.
Actor—Johnny Depp
He’s really the only one of the four remaining who I would expect to be able to steal this one from Daniel Day-Lewis, but I’m not sure how likely that is. Stupid Academy. He so should have won it for Pirates…
Art Direction—Dante Ferretti, Francesca Lo Schiavo
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Tim Burton knows how to direct art. (Heh.) His movie canvases are always so colourful and vibrant—even though most of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (HEE) is quite dark, comparatively, the colours it does have aren’t shy about expressing themselves. It’s like a bruise—a world of black and brown and blue with frequent bursts of vibrant, candy-apple red.
(side note: Dante Ferretti also did the art direction for Titus, which also heavily features pies composed of dubious substances…)
Costume Design—Colleen Atwood
Heck of a chance here—mostly due to Atwood’s historic record (she won Oscars for Memoirs of a Geisha and Chicago) and her collaboration with the always visually stunning work of Tim Burton (the guy is like a mad hatter loose in a fairy tale paintbox)—but she’ll face strong competition from Atonement (I still say the green dress wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be) and La Mome (which I’ve also heard called La Vie En Rose…emm…)
Back on track, anyway, and it’s time to hand out another BEANIE.
Best Performance by a Hairstyle
And the BEANIE goes to…Damn near everyone for Hairspray
There’s only one thing better than hairspray, says James Marsden, and that’s James Marsden. Some seriously gravity-defying do’s in this film, and I shudder to think how many asthmatics were lost during the making of it. I could tell you that the hair dos also act as integral prop-pieces, but come on, you know better. It’s just about the hair.
I’m pretty damn peeved that this film isn’t nominated for ANYTHING (would it have killed them to go for Art Direction or Costumes? Or Makeup? Pffft) as it was one of the movies that made me GO OFF—it’s pretty impossible to leave the theatre without a smile on your face. James Marsden is excellent as host Corny Collins, a character he describes as being sort of like Frank Sinatra, with a big dollop of cheese on top. Nikki Blonsky is excellent—so cheerful and effervescent—and Michelle Pfieffer really should sing more often.
The runner up in this category, in case you were wondering is Depp himself for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (I just love typing that out in full), who rocks that whole white streak thing. Found this online:
“The actual medical name for the white forelock is poliosis. It can occur in otherwise normal folks as a form of a birthmark…white hair in Waardenburg's syndrome correlates with hearing issues, a unibrow, and irises of two different colors…”
Well I think we’ve all learned something.
"Mr. Depp’s Sweeney isn’t a regular guy either. With a Susan Sontag patch of white streaking his pompadour, ghostly skin and distraught eyes, this Sweeney is both wretched and mad."
Wow. He’s wretched, you see, AND mad. And oh ho! Not regular. Another person on the page where I found this helpfully points out that Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmations also has a white streak. That settles it, I guess.
Anyway, it’s time to sign off, so I’ll leave you with my favourite lyric from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street…
“There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it’s filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And it goes by the name of ‘London’.”
-- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street --
PS—For those of you who were wondering about Punxsatawney Phil—he did eventually emerge, yawning, in time to proclaim there would be six more weeks of winter. Not here, but, somewhere.
February 2nd – 22 Sleeps To Go
- ...but the big question on everybody's lips...
- On their chapped lips...
- On their chapped lips, right: Do ya think Phil is gonna come out and see his shadow?
-Punxsutawney Phil! -
Thats right, woodchuck-chuckers - it's --GROUNDHOG DAY!
All a long and draw-out way of welcoming you all to this day. Mine hasn’t been especially exciting so far, so I’m kind of hoping it won’t be repeated. But according to Groundhog.org (yyyep) Punxatawny Phil has yet to emerge from his warm little bed, so I’ll keep you posted re: the weather for the next six weeks.
Back to the Oscars! Yay!
So the Screen Actors Guild Awards were given out on the 27th, and….mostly they were as expected, with the exception of Ruby Dee winning for American Gangster instead of favourite Cate Blanchett in I’m Not There. Hmm. A little worrying for Our Cate, especially since she’s got two nominations—if ever there was a death knell for Oscar hopes, it's the double nomination… So I wouldn’t say she’s got it wrapped up—especially since Amy Ryan is winning a lot of independent awards for Gone Baby Gone… Hmm.
Otherwise, Daniel Day-Lewis, Javier Bardem and Julie Christie kicked everyone else’s collective ass.
So this week I saw Charlie Wilson’s War, whose sole Oscar nomination this year goes to Philip Seymour Hoffman, otherwise known as IckyMan, for Best Supporting Actor, and who to my astonishment is pretty good in this (A theory has been put to me that the reason is that what with his big spectacles and fraying moustache, parts of his face are…how to put this…not immediately visible? I’m just saying.). On the pro side, the movie’s major plus is the fact that Aaron (The West Wing) Sorkin (who is not, we shall note, nominated for ANYTHING at this year’s Oscars) wrote the script. It’s moments like this you need a really withering one-liner. And so today’s BEANIE is:
Best Withering One-Liner
(I’ve got to work on these award names)
Anyway, today’s BEANIE goes to…
Charlie Wilson’s War, for “Can we just take a moment to reflect on all of the ways in which you are a douchebag?”
I know, I’m as surprised as the rest of you that this is going to a line uttered by Philip Seymour Hoffman, but then I’m even more surprised that I watched the whole of Charlie Wilson’s War without him irritating me. Yay. And it’s lovely to have Aaron Sorkin back writing again (how I’ve missed him).
Other nominees included:
Hot Fuzz, for “Playtime’s over”
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, for “If I may lend a machete to your intellectual thicket…”
The Simpsons Movie, for “Rats can’t be trapped this easily. You’re trapped like…carrots.”
Juno, for “Oh yeah? Well I still have your virginity!”
So what kind of chance does the Hoffman have at this year’s Oscars? Well…not much, to tell the truth. Sorry, PSH, but you’d better thank your lucky stars for your other little statuette, because if anyone’s going to take out the Best Supporting Actor Award, it’s going to be Javier Bardem for No Country For Old Men, and in the (slightly unlikely) event that it’s not him, then it’ll be Hal Holbrook for Into the Wild, or Casey Affleck for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Another reason this particular BEANIE is relevant (well, you know, as relevance goes) is that the writer’s strike continues, picketing, marching…jotting down anything vaguely witty so that when this is all over they can go up to the networks and say “SEE? THIS is what you almost missed out on!” Don’t get me wrong, I love the writers, I want them to be paid fairly (well, you know, the Hollywood version of “fairly”), but I also want a purty little Oscar show. You can see my problem. I say we blame the networks.
Right. Gotta go. A merry Groundhog Day to you all!
PS—As of the time this email was sent, Punxatawney Phil was still snug up in his little groundhog bed, refusing to tell us anything about his shadow until the sun had actually risen. Lazy bastard
January 27: 29 Sleeps To Go
And so after much deliberation, I have decided that the theme of this year’s Omails shall be Awards I Would Give If I Were In Charge, affectionately known as Best Ever Awards Not In ExistenceS, or the BEANIEs. (Contrivance? Moi?) I plan one day to have a little gold beanie statuette. With a pom pom.
I’ll attempt to keep it to one a day, and while it’s going to have to depend on how much I know about a movie, I’ll try—really I will—not to focus too much on Hot Fuzz.
Actually, the best thing to start off with is the following:
Most Annoying Child Actor in a Motion Picture
goes to... Saoirse Ronan (Atonement)
This award was initially going to be named for the Least Annoying Child Actor, but then I saw Atonement (just the other day), and I’ve never wanted to slap a little girl so much in my life. I’m not saying she was necessarily a bad actress, but I do think it’s becoming a bit like “Oh look, there’s a child in a movie who can string a few sentences together. Let’s give her a nomination!” Haley Joel Osment is taking a break from becoming a Rowdy Teen just to glare at the Academy and yell “Hacks!”
Anyway, remember those days when all the kid had to do was wear shorts and look cross and occasionally come out with a nasal line like “Okay, mister.”? They weren’t great days, mind. And I’m not saying I’d like to return to those days. But the fact is it’s difficult to be a child actor and not grate on at least half the audience. If we learned anything from Macauley Culkin, I think that was it (that, and the fact that any intruder to your home can be foiled with a tarantula, a few cans of paint, and a hot poker under a door handle).
As for the actual film—you have no idea how much this pains and surprises me, but—it was actually pretty damn good. This is attributed mostly, I suspect, to a well-written and very involving story, in which the pivotal character acts, reacts, punishes herself, but never quite redeems herself. The film is not without its faults (a bit of residual “Oh, this is pretty scenery, let’s shoot it” left over from Pride and Prejudice, and, you know, Keira) but still. Nicely done.
So let’s look at the awards it’s up for:
Supporting Actress—Saoirse Ronan
Ugh. I sort of hope not. Not that she was bad. She was…well…she was there.
Adapted Screenplay—Christopher Hampton
Not a bad shot at this one, really. I’ve never read the book, but hear on the grapevine that it’s a decent adaptation. I also think it’s quite nicely structured.
Cinematography—Seamus McGarvey
Hmmm. Not sure. There’s a brilliant tracking shot about two thirds through that lasts for something like four minutes, weaving in and out of soldiers, shipwrecks, choirs, smoke, fire, ash, picking up a character, dropping him, picking up another, following him until we meet again with the first—and it’s All. One. Shot. Good lord. So for that, I’m pretty impressed. Otherwise…not sure.
Art Direction—Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer
Meh. It was fine, I suppose, but not enough, in my opinion to beat anything Tim Burton does. I’m just saying.
Costume—Jacqueline Durran
It’s always possible, I suppose. Mostly I get inscensed when I see this category due to a recent poll that rated the green dress that Keira Knightly wears in this film as the GREATEST COSTUME EVER, or something. I mean, ahead of Marilyn’s white dress in the Seven Year Itch, or Audrey Hepburn’s little black dress in Breakfast At Tiffany’s…or Olivia Newton-John’s leather pants in Grease, for heaven’s sake… For this reason, I shall not be voting for it. I told you petty was the new black.
Original Score—Dario Marionelli
I have to say, it’s not bad. Mostly in the way that it links in the intrusive and hungry sound of the typewriter to the percussion behind the tune…it ends up sounding ominous, like a ticking clock, and because it keeps time, rather than getting faster, it creates a constant tension. It’s pretty damn good.
Ok, enough of that.
“Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life…” – James MacAvoy (swoon) – Atonement
(23 Jan 2008)
Happy New Year to y’all, and as we wind down the Year of the Pig, and scuttle forward into the Year of the Rat, a very merry Oscar Season to you all.
The big question at the moment is, of course, will there be an Oscars ceremony? It’s the Writers vs Everyone Else, and Alien and Predator will be nothing compared to this. I mean, writers have pens, and laptops and typewriters - they’ve got paper and scripts and George Clooney, while Everyone Else has…well…money. Hmm.
But assuming the show does go on, it’ll be doing so with the fantastic Jon Stewart at the helm, waving, grinning, making fun of the Baldwins… Oh, it’s going to be great.
Most unfortunately, my cinema viewing has been pretty lacklustre this year. I haven’t seen No Country for Old Men or There Will Be Blood (which, I have to say I’m having trouble distinguishing between), I haven’t seen Atonement (this as part of my reluctance to see Keira Knightly (ugh, “Keira” is accepted by spellcheck) pouting her way about another film set, although this is raged against by my having no objection whatsoever to James McAvoy doing the same). I’ve got some ground to cover.
Anyway, with regard to today’s nominations…
In Which We Are Happy
Hurrah for Juno, which is an absolutely gorgeous film (and one I’ve seen!). Punchy and hilarious, and with a kick-ass lead performance from Ellen Page, deservedly nominated for Best Actress. She’s got a formidable opponent in Julie Christie (Away From Her), but if anyone can cause a real upset, I think it’s her. Also nice to see Laura Linney up there.
Hurrahs will also be voiced for Johnny Depp, nominated for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (my favourite title of the year) (nope, it’s been usurped—that title now belongs to nominee for Animated Short Film Even Pigeons Go To Heaven), who I think should always be included in every awards show. Yay also for George Clooney, and my pick for a dark horse (of which I’m pretty proud), Viggo Mortensen (Eastern Promises).
Hal Holbrook, a perennial HITG! (ie—Hey, It’s That Guy!) gets a nod for Into the Wild, and I’m all for it. Happy as always to see Cate Blanchett in the Kodak, and it looks like she’s the one to beat (for I’m Not There, anyway…not much chance of getting it for Elizabeth: The Golden Age, especially when they didn’t give it to her the first time…but that’s another rant…).
I’m also pretty tickled that three of the songs from Enchanted have been nominated for Best Original Song—I can’t help it, I find it all adorable.
In antidote to that…I know it’s petty, but I’m really glad that the inexplicable hysteria that surrounds Keira Knightly wasn’t enough to get her nominated. Hurrah! Petty is the new black!
In Which We Are Disgruntled
No nominations for Hairspray?? What?? Not even Makeup (which includes, I suppose, hair)?? What about those few original songs?? What’s going on!? Seems wrong, and all the more reason for me to start my own awards show, in which Hairspray and Hot Fuzz would take home just about everything.
Norbit? NORBIT got nominated? This makes the whole shunning of Hairspray even worse.
Also, I mean, would it have killed the Academy to get James MacAvoy up on that stage? Really.
In Which We Are Seriously Ticked Off
Wither Simpsons Movie? WITHER?
In Which We Are Interested…But Otherwise Unaffected
So Michael Moore’s Sicko got nominated for Best Documentary Feature.
Anyway, in the next few weeks I will opt to defibrillate the O-posts, bringin’ ‘em back, just to annoy you.
Hope you’re all well and, wherever you are, happy.