Well it's high time that I stopped whinging to the web-ular world at large. The problem, naturally, is that I don't have enough interesting things going on right at this moment to divert to anything really positive.
Here are things I'm feeling VERY grateful for at the moment:
One: Lovely, blustery autumnal days (oh yes, we're talking about the weather). There are a lot of trees around the balcony, and it looks fantastic with the wind buffeting the branches this way and that and tearing at the leaves...goodness, it all just brings out the poet in me. Whether that poet is any good is difficult to say...
Two: Having someone in the universe to whom you can send a discreet, venting text message to convey your irritation at being surrounded by completely inane conversation. You know, when you're in a conversation that's not so much a conversation as it is a lecture, and the lecture is on things that you really don't agree with. But having somewhere someone who gets your frustration is a real saving-grace.
Three: Having a flatmate who doesn't get mad when you call her, slightly panicked, from a taxi at 10:30 saying "um...just saying hi" because the taxi driver is "lost" and keeps going down dark suburban streets instead of towards home. Not exactly graceful under pressure, but there you go.

Four: Coco Loco Mocha Chillers. My latest thing is going into a bookshop with a cafe, getting a coffee and reading a book that I have no intention of buying. I love this new routine, but feel a bit bad. Are they going to kick me out for this? I'd have to find a new coffee shop, which is a disturbing thought. I like this coffee place. It's a franchise, mass produced, and delicious. Viva capitalism! At least in the form of coffee-shops-in-book-shops.